Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ahh, yes.

You know what I like to do when things get bad?

I think about how much worse someone else has it.

Like my buddy, we'll call him Chungla. His dad is wasted every night of every year, and his mom smokes pot. He fights with his drunk dad frequently, and still keeps his composure everyday. He fights through everything without the "help" of drugs or alcohol, not even cigarettes.

Then you get people that have good homes, caring parents, and food on the table everynight. What more do you think you need in life? You think you have it hard because your parents aren't as lenient as others, when truely you're lucky. You're blessed to be in the household you have. Yet these poor kids are turning to cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs to try and make their decent life easier for themselves, no matter how their actions effect the ones that care. It's ironic, though. Isn't it? There's not a SINGLE problem on this green earth that alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes WON'T MAKE WORSE. I can guarantee you that.

So stop being ignorant, and open your blind eyes. Do something with yourselves.

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