Friday, September 11, 2009

Shh, I think this is it.

Isn't it great being this age?
Bad decisions left and right. At least I stay away from drugs, that shit sucks.
I recieved a reckless driving ticket recently. Not that I have my license or anything.
That's fine, who needs to drive anyway? I'd rather ride my bike, keep this chiseled body I have developed with my years of semi-professional Halo playing and Red Bull downing. On the topic of Halo, i've had enough of that. After breaking one controller, 10 microphones, 3 Halo discs, 3 ethernet cords, 1 A/V cable, and a knuckle, i'm throwing in the towel. I surrender.

Anyways, i've had enough typing. I'm off to go look at the car i might not be driving till i'm 18. Goodnight.


  1. Semi-Professional Halo playing? Lol. It is good you don't do drugs, that is true.

  2. Yes, I did play it online semi-professionally. Weird how it was just a game to you! It's a sport. ;)
